Almost everything was purchased locally. Window shopping was a destination. 100% of movies were watched at a theatre. Dragging Main was a thing and so was going to the mall. There were dance halls, roller rinks, and 1000's of small farms. Everyone read the newspaper. But times changed and so did many things. And now, officing as we know it is being disrupted. Tools to work remotely continue to get better. You no longer remote in to your desktop you just take home your laptop. The cloud took over. Chat windows connected around the world all day long. People started calling in to meetings from their cubicle instead of going down the hall. Staying home to tend to their sick child was a no brainer, and you could stay home if the kids had a snow day. Why not just call in from home, in the middle of the night for the meeting scheduled with the team in Asia? Working remote became a viable and regular option. Fully distributed companies now exist. Maybe relocation packages will become rare. Cities currently rely on workers drawn to the high rise buildings so they only have to drive 1 hour into the office every day, and pay taxes. What happens when gas gets more expensive? What happens if corporate real estate costs go up? Where is this going? #remotework hashtag#coworking#coworking